Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Project Update!

We've been wrapping up some of the larger garden projects recently, now that we have more daylight to work with. Since a lot of what we do is foolhardy experimentation, I figured it was time to update as to our progress:

Lazy Potatoes
The potatoes are hip-high and starting to flower, and as of last night have been hilled up to the hilt. The plants all seem very healthy, but it remains to be seen what kind of yeild we will get. If it works out well, I have a feeling that's how we'll plant next years sunchokes. 

Tomatoes From Seed
We had a couple of casualties, but most of the tomato seedlings made it to transplant. (Actually now that I think about it, the only post-germination casualties were the Evergreens). In the Re-Up Backyard Garden we have 1 Black Krim, 1 Super Snow White, 1 Riviera, 1 Flamme and 1Pink Ping Pong. These were the strongest of all of the seedlings and were able to be planted about a week ahead of the others. And what a difference a week makes.

The six transplants in containers are about half the size of the garden guys. Fingers crossed they catch up (doubt it). I ended up putting 3 seedlings each in a large clear storage bin from the Container Store and a hideous pink keg bucket I bought for $7 at Target. Poked some holes in the bottom and voila! Here's hoping they are deep enough though.

Companion/Antagonist Planting
So the master plan, after I realized my faux-pas in planting the kohlrabi near the tomatoes and peppers, was to plant a barrier of carrots to separate the kohlrabi from its nemeses. I even got so far as planting said barrier. But in the time it takes for carrots to germinate, the kohlrabi seedlings started to develop their first true leaves and it occured to me that I could just transplant them somewhere else. So I did. There are now 4 happy kohlrabi seedlings tucked in by the onions and basil and two more in containers with mint and scallions.

Alas, I don't get to test out how genius my carrots as a barrier plan could have been. I will have to wait til I screw the pooch on something else.

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